Myöhemmin's Blog

Just another weblog

Sound walks

Have you even been to a sound walk? Quite fascinating thing. Is kind of sight-walk, but you pay attention to sounds and not to sight. You have to walk quietly, preferable with your eyes closed and try to concentrate how you feel about the sounds. The guide was a PhD student for sound architecture and her objective was to understand, map and preserve the soundscapes of specific places. Did you know that there are several soundscapes heritages protected by UNESCO?

We were a small group and we were not allowed to talk during the walk. We had a map and 5 stops, were we concentrate on the sounds and then explained how we felt. First stop was a railway-station that felt like vacation; second was a narrow street, quiet and protected from the sun, that felt safe; then was a wider market square, that was closer to a river, feeling fresh. The next stop was on a bridge, close to a water fall, that felt exciting; the last stop was in front of an old church, with brick-walls that reflected the sund of the river. You could hear a huummm that was not easy to identify – however i felt dusty instead of fresh. Would you like to hear it? Try some points on Firenze sound map.

24 iulie 2015 Posted by | Pamantul | 2 comentarii

Dry snow

dry snowI’ve been talking with a collegue at work and he said that in winter is ok to leave furniture or stuff outside because is so dry. Is the same reason why houses and tried in Lapland last so long. I don’t believe that we had this concept in Romania. Dry snow.  There, snow is always wet.

23 februarie 2013 Posted by | Pamantul | Un comentariu

Cri cri cri

Si ziceati ca nu mai vine primavara… uite ca a ajuns si aici…

Singura problema e ca a si plecat… azi e frig si sta sa ploua… Nu-i nimic, o asteptam si la anu’

31 mai 2012 Posted by | Pamantul | | 3 comentarii

A little piece of heaven – First time in Lapland

There was a long way to drive and unexpectedly many cars all the way. We were quite unsure of the reservation because they didn’t ask any credit card number, nor guaranty – they just said “welcome”. Everything went well in the end – people are reliable in the north.

The cottage was wonderful: very humble outside, very high tech inside – like everything else in Finland. Showing off is a waste of time and taste – after all…

Compared to an “all inclusive” holiday, the atmosphere is from another planet. No  noise, no jokes, no friends, just you and the nature. All what you could do is ski. So this is what we were doing.

Skiing is an individual sport. You are most of the time alone with your thoughts.

Phase one – when you start you’re full of energy, ready to conquer the world. Then the hills are starting. You can see the first peak and you think: I really needed some exercise, this is perfect. Reaching the first peak you realize that this was just the beginning. Despite all the physics, it seems that the direction is only up. The routes are round, and always skiing up!?

Phase two – you stop counting the peaks, they are always hidden– so you submerse in your inner world. While driving, 13 hours, I’ve heard over and over  “I’ll catch a grenade for you”. Why someone would think that dying is a gift? – I have no clue… Why don’t you buy her a Maserati, or take her on your boat? Make her a soup when she’s sick – but dying for her? This is pure revenge – get help and understand: you alone are responsible to solve your problems! Why would she catch a grenade for you? I wouldn’t! Thank you very much for asking…

Phase three – you are on top of the hill, finally. Now the only direction is down… Of course is a red track, so you feel obligated to fall down at least ones. The snow is new, soft, shiny and perfect – you can do it… The adrenaline renews your appetite for life.

Phase four – you stop thinking at your body and start enjoying the nature. All this beauty only for you, and you alone! The tracks are redone every day, but during one route you maybe meet 10 people in 2 hours. (Mainly in the resting cottages.) All the empty hills are just for you, all the trees and birds – just for you, the sun is shining – just for you. This is a piece of heaven… just for you.

Phase five – you pass the non-returning point, going further or turning back means more than 10km. All what you have to do is keep going. You’re not thinking about nature anymore, you don’t pay attention to the color of the track – you are thankful for each slide that will save your forces. All what you think is how to survive till the cottage, where the sauna was programmed to wait for you. You are imagining only the sound of water thrown on the hot stones and that you have to move your right hand, then left leg, then left hand, just breathe in, breathe out, then in, then out, until you make it home…

14 aprilie 2012 Posted by | Pamantul | , | Lasă un comentariu

I’m here to stay

19 iulie 2011 Posted by | Pamantul | | Lasă un comentariu

Ultimele zile de toamna in Helsinki

Iarna oficial soseste pe 1 Decembrie, odata cu ziua nationala a Romania, necelebrata anul asta – dam o bila neagra ambasadei Romaniei! Ceea ce inseamna ca azi, e inca toamna –  acopera-mi inima cu o frunza, daca o gasesti… cel mai probabil insa e sa mi-o acoperi un un sloi de gheata si sa mi-o dezgheti la vara, in iulie!

28 noiembrie 2010 Posted by | Pamantul | | 2 comentarii


Azi am invatat lucruri noi:

            -1,5 pomi adulti, compenseaza emisia mea lunara de CO2

            -la fiecare 100kg bagaje, consumul de benzina creste cu 6%

            -conducand la 60km/h in viteza a 5-a in loc de a 3-a consumul scade cu 35%

            -aerul conditionat consuma 10% mai mult

            -motorul rece consuma cu 30% mai mult.

Mersul cu bicicleta face tenul frumos si buzunarul gros!

12 octombrie 2010 Posted by | Pamantul | , | Un comentariu


Cea mai veche capitala scandinava, cu o istorie de peste 1000 de ani, isi dezveleste mandra trupul scaldat de valurile reci ale marii. Este unica. Este mandra. Este costisitoare. Marea este sursa puterii ei de seductie. Marea, pe care vikingii au strabatut-o in vase construite cu o incredibila maiestrie; marea, ce l-a ademenit pe Thor  Heyerdahl in expeditiile Kon Tiki, Ra, Tigris; marea, ce a fost subjugata de Fridtjof Nansen in calatoriile lui cu vasul Fram dicolo de cercul polar, marea din care astazi Norvegia isi extrage bogatia – si o trimite „darnica” intregii lumi.

Oslo, desi graviteaza in jurul marii, nu te dezamageste nici pe uscat este impanzit de muzee, unde poti admira vapoare construite de-a lungul timpului, incepand cu cele Viking din anii 830 in care si-au dormit somnul demnitari ai vremii si terminand cu ultimile machete ale navelor de croaziera. Poti vizita parcul Vigeland, ce gazduieste sculpturile lui Gustav Vigeland, a carei varianta a coloanei infinitului este formata din trupuri. Poti vizita expozitia de pictura a lui Edvard Munch, un pionier al expresionismului – ce afirma: „From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that and that is eternity.” Creepy, isn’t it? Poti admira fortareata Akershus, a carei constructie a inceput in secolul 13. Imi poti imagina ca-ti iei zborul de pe partia ce va gazdui in 2011 Campionatul mondial de schi. Poti invata de la cei ce au primit premii Nobel, poti intra in atmosfera casei lui Ibsen sau pur si simplu poti savura un bufet cu raci proapat pescuiti din mare intr-o croaziera in jurul orasului. Nici barul de gheata nu este de ratat.

Oras frumos, multe de vazut, insa I had promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep!

22 iulie 2010 Posted by | Pamantul | | 4 comentarii

Din gradina Domnului

Sarpe serpeste cu solzi ca de peste, printi albastrii si prieteni de-ai lui George, in Oslo Reptile Park, doar sirenele lipseau…

si ca sa nu plangeti dupa sirene, le inghesui si pe ele tot aici…

21 iulie 2010 Posted by | Pamantul | | 2 comentarii

Vampirii din Nord

Cum nici un bine nu vine singur, vara aduce tantarii… setosi, insetati, rai, persistenti, mai inceti decat cei din Romania, insa multi, zgomotosi si obraznici. Mi-amintesc ca la primul meu Pikku Joulu, cand ni se recomanda sa purtam ecusoane cu numele noastre, iar eu mi-am pus numele Mina. La intrebarile colegilor necunsocuti, le-am recomandat sa fie atenti cum se poarta, ca sunt periculoasa, proaspat venita din Transilvania. Nu m-am asteptat insa la asa concurenta: aici, vara, periculosi sunt ei!

O alta amintire placuta o am de la prima excursie in Laponia, cand total neinspirata si neavertizata, am plecat cu masina in iulie, prin nord spre Norvegia. La prima oprire in Kemi, timpul petrecut in afara masinii consta dintr-un sprint inspre si dinspre camera de hotel. In Mo i Rana, in munti, tantarii insa erau inlocuiti de niste muste muscatoare, la fel de inebunitoare…

Problema mea e ca toate aceste insecte, pe langa faptul ca ma adora – sentiment ce nu este reciproc, hello!, imi lasa o amintire memorabila a contactului nostru violator si violent. Ce sa faci, toate vin la pachet in viata!

7 iunie 2010 Posted by | Pamantul | , | 3 comentarii